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Health Kitchen - Improve Your Health by Improving Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is one of the most important parts of your home to be considered for the promotion of optimal health for you and your family areas health Kitchen.

The kitchen is the center of power at home - if the energy in this area is not good, your whole house, you will feel tired. This can lead to poor health of the occupants of the house health Kitchen.

Your kitchen can affect the health and energy of your guests to take home health Kitchen, too. After all, it is often the meeting place to hold family gatherings and parties with friends.

First, make sure your kitchen is clean and free of debris. It only takes a few minutes each day to store your kitchen will go a long way toward promoting the positive energy health Kitchen. Make sure appliances and counters are kept clean at all times, and spices, utensils and other everyday items are kept organized and stored health Kitchen.

Ideally, you should be able to see the entrance to the kitchen when you're standing in your kitchen stove. In Fen Shi the stove is considered very important health Kitchen. Displays the preparation of food and therefore food, health and well-being of the family health Kitchen.

It also represents wealth and abundance. If you find yourself back at the entrance while standing in the kitchen, you can place a mirror on the back of the stove health Kitchen, so that when you look, you can see the door behind you. A microwave oven on the stove (although technically not good in terms of Fen Shi) can really help in this case, if you can watch the glass door of the microwave oven and see the entry the kitchen behind.

When it comes to your health, there are places that are not considered good for the kitchen

1. In the center of the house - think of health and safety kitchen your house as his second body, which is part of you. The center of your home is the center of your body and because the kitchen is associated with the element of fire, symbolizing the light passes through the center of your body - energy affects every organ you have there (the heart, the stomach, intestines, etc..) have a strong element of fire in this area health and safety kitchen can be too health and safety in the kitchen.

Solution: hitch a ride crystal ball and multifaceted ceiling in the center of the kitchen. Bring on the element of water to health and safety in the kitchen help balance out some of the fires (which can be done with a water source, an image that contains water, black or mirror).

Two. Kitchen shares a wall with a bathroom - the functions of these two rooms are completely different. The kitchen is associated with food, food preparation, health Kitchen bathing is associated with the cleanup and disposal. There are also a lot of energy loss in the bathroom health and safety in the kitchen, which can negatively health and safety kitchen affect the energy of the kitchen.

Solution: keep the door of the bathroom and closed health and safety kitchen the lid of the toilet health Kitchen. Hang a mirror on the outside of the door of the bathroom and on each side of the common wall health Kitchen. Hang a round crystal ball, multi-faceted in the bathroom.

Finally, if possible, avoid the rafters of his kitchen health and safety in the kitchen. Ceiling beams create a heavy oppressive power that can counteract the positive energy that worked to create health Kitchen. If you have ceiling beams in the kitchen, health Kitchen painted the same color as the roof or cover with a light cloth health Kitchen, if you are not able to paint.