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health Pumpkin : Pumpkin and its health benefits

Pumpkins are believed to have originated in ancient America health pumpkin. The word pumpkin comes from the Greek word PPO pumpkin seed health , meaning "large melon". Over the years, the word has been transformed health pumpkin into its current form by the French , Pumpkin for health English and American pumpkin seed health.

Each bit of this fruit is very useful health pumpkin. Pumpkin for health Native Americans dried strips of pumpkin and wove them into mats. They also roasted long strips of an open fire and ate them.  Much later, the settlers introduced pumpkin pie in the world when sliced ​​on top health pumpkin, removed the seeds, and filled the inside with milk, pumpkin for health spices and honey. Then pumpkin baked in the hot ashes. It looks delicious! Here are some more delicious ways to add to your diet with all the goodness that comes with it!

The walkover
At only 49 calories per 250 g health pumpkin, pumpkins are virtually fat and help reduce cholesterol.
Pumpkin seeds dry or toast is an excellent source of protein, minerals, pumpkin for health vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.
Rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and E and minerals, pumpkins help improve immunity and fight against free radicals.
Notes bright orange to its high proportion of beta carotene, pumpkin for health an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A and helps reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.
It is packed with B-complex group of vitamins such as folic acid, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and antithetic acid and minerals like copper, calcium,pumpkin for health iron and phosphorus.
Its seeds and pulp, offering magnesium, potassium and zinc is necessary for good health, health pumpkin immunity, bone strength and density. Pumpkins also help fight heart disease and hypertension.

Pumpkin election
Look for one that comes with one to two inches of stem pumpkin for health. Avoid pumpkins with blemishes and soft spots. To cut, remove first the stalk health pumpkin. Cut all you need and freeze the rest after wrapping.

Pumpkin Recipes
Pumpkin Rita: Grate pumpkin puree or yogurt. Season with aka or just add salt, chili powder and jeer. Experiment with different seasonings - coriander or coconut treat.
Pumpkin soup: pumpkin mixture cooked to the desired consistency. Health pumpkin You can also add tomato puree pumpkin pumpkin or other vegetable pumpkin seed health. Add salt, health pumpkin lemon juice and pepper, and throw in some nuts or croutons.

Experts speak
Main Staved, lifestyle consultant and management of the disease, health pumpkin such as pumpkin. "It contains two times more beta-carotene than carrots have.'s Safe for diabetics as it has a low alchemic index.'s Easy to cook and keep well for a long time. Best, health pumpkin c is that it is available all year "

Pumpkins are diuretics. They help eliminate toxins - but too much can lead to dehydration or excessive urination. In addition, excess beta-carotene in your body can cause a yellow tint to the skin. So, like all good things in life, practice moderation health pumpkin.